Thursday, January 10, 2013


I believe that music can be considered as literature because most music rhymes and provides a story much like poems do.  Literature is writing with expression of a character.  When we describe the things we are writing it is considered as literature.  Poems and songs are very similar because musical artists are the poets of our time.  Poems aren't as popular as songs but they are very similar.  Novels are different than peoms and songs because in songs or poems, the poet chooses words carefully to explain something in a shorter way but still providing very valuable information.  Rappers are similar to poets because they choose their words carefully but rappers write/rap to a beat.


  1. Hey there! I feel as if your blog is very well figured but does not truly explain who you are.Try adding more details in your writing and even the template. Just a heads up, virtual TA's are now online and checking on your blogs on a regular. Best of luck!

  2. Sorry another TA's account was on my computer. I actually wrote the above comment if you need any help just contact me :)
